Post-release updates
Version 1.2
- Code reworked from the ground up.
- Fixed pixelation of various textures.
- Main Menu Redesigned.
- Crying Cloud Studios splash updated.
- Tweaked ice physics.
- Fixed the characters being slippery.
- Made secret blocks identifiable.
- Tweaked world complete screen to be compatible with highscore.
- Arrow key support.
- Improved SUSIE hitbox.
- Redesigned goals. (Hello balloons!)
- Controller support is actually functioning now.
- Options menu has been added.
- Various secret goal music glitches have been fixed.
- Pause menu improved, added options within.
- Characters dance at end of the level.
- Fixed characters gltichin on vertical moving platforms.
- Added new credits.
- Removed TTOCS.
Version 1.1
- Paper, collectable.
- Game Saves.
- Added SUSIE as playable character.
- Added high score system (for collecting paper).
- Quality of Life improvements.
- Removed TTOCS.
Pre-release updates